
10 High Converting Real Estate Facebook Ad Examples [With Templates]

Mrignayni from InVideo Clock IconLast Updated on: February 04, 2022

Create PRO videos in minutes with InVideo

With extremely low costs and high returns, Facebook ads are one of the best tools to help realtors get leads. The Cost-Per-Click (CPC) for Facebook ads is a mere $0.53 for rentals and $0.63 for ad listings. Plus, Facebook also allows you to use advanced targeting options, helping you reach a hyperlocal audience and establish better relationships with them. 

So, if you’ve not started using Facebook ads to promote your real estate business, you’re missing out. To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of the best ad examples and ideas that will help you get leads in 2022. And if you stick around till the end, we’ll show you how you can make these ads using InVideo’s online video editor. 

Here’s what’s we will cover:

 Video Ads

    1. Slideshow Ads
    2. Virtual Tour Ads

    3. Educational Ads
    4. Agent Introduction Ads
    5. Testimonials Ads

Image Ads

    6. FREE Home Valuation Ads
    7. Just Sold Ads

    8. Just Listed Ads
    9. Ads Showcasing Achievements
   10. Coming Soon Listing Ads

BONUS: How to create video Ads using InVideo 

Let’s get started with video ads.

Video Ads

When it comes to lead generation and conversion, real estate video ads perform much better than other formats. This is keeping in line with the fact that video is the more engaging content medium. So if you’re not yet using videos as a part of your real estate Facebook ads, then it’s time to get started now. 

Here are five types of video ads that you can use in your campaigns: 

Real Estate Facebook Ads #1: Slideshow Ads

Video slideshow ads are cost-effective and can be created quickly and easily with existing photos. They also load faster and use less data than HD videos, so they can also be viewed in areas with slower internet speeds. In short, video slideshow ads offer all the benefits of a video ad at a low production cost.

Tremains Rotorua, a New Zealand Real Estate agency, has created a simple slideshow of a property in Pukangi with brightly lit and wide-angled photos.

The pictures alone help pique the interests of those who want to live in a quiet neighborhood and increase the property’s demand as they convey a feeling of spaciousness, comfort, and peace.

To create a simple yet effective slideshow ad like Tremains Rotorua, ensure that you’ve got professional photos of the properties to give prospects an idea of what the place would look like. You can also add zoom effects to still pictures to give your ad a dynamic feel. Also, add a great description to highlight the benefits of your property since you’re not using much text in slideshow ads. 

Here’s an InVideo template that you can use to quickly create a listing slideshow video ad quickly. It includes a vivid description of each room and has a slide that highlights the location advantage of the property to help you get more leads. 

Use This Template 

Real Estate Facebook Ads #2: Virtual Tour Ads

According to NAR's (National Association of Realtors) research, houses with virtual tour videos reportedly get 87% more inquiries than houses that didn't have one. The reason for this is simple – virtual tour videos allow prospective buyers to view the property in its entirety while sitting in the comfort of their own homes.

Take a look at this ad by Karen Hall that takes us through a property on Eisenhower Avenue. She creates excitement at the beginning and hooks viewers by asking them to look out for three great features in the property and highlighting the workspace, which has become the need of the hour. And instead of simply taking prospects through the bedrooms, living area, kitchen, etc., she points out the highlights of each room by letting prospects know the restoration materials and designs used. 

In short, she creates a memorable experience that wouldn’t be very different from taking an in-person tour. 

To create a video tour ad like Karen, start the video by creating anticipation for what lies ahead and highlight the benefits and the experiences and memories the owners can create if they move in. In the above example, Karen describes what it would be like to enjoy with friends in the rooftop area. 

End the video with a CTA and create genuine interest by highlighting the house's location advantages and other benefits, like being in a quiet neighborhood. 

Here’s an InVideo template with attention-grabbing opening lines and slides that highlight the features in each room to help you create an ad similar to Karen’s. 

Use This Template

Real Estate Facebook Ads #3: Educational Ads

If your goal is to build your brand, position yourself as an expert, and create a rapport with a new audience, ads that provide value to them will give you the best results. These ads can be anything from answering the most common FAQs your prospects have to solving their pain points. 

For instance, this ad from Terrence Tang talks about why similar properties in similar locations have a vast difference in prices despite having the same amenities and accessibility. Unfortunately, this information isn't easily available, and a home buyer looking to make a profit would lose money if they didn't know this tip.

It also creates a sense of exclusivity as Terrence offers a consultation that helps prospects grow their wealth through real estate only on an application basis. 

To create a value-packed ad like Terrence, research little-known information that can greatly impact your prospects. Then, share this in your video along with an exclusive freebie like a consultation or a report to create demand for your services.  This will tell prospects you’re genuinely adding value instead of trying to sell and will encourage them to do business with you. 

You can use the “Hidden Home-Buying Expenses” below and replace the text and images to create an ad that dishes out value.

Use This Template

Real Estate Facebook Ads #4: Agent Introduction Ads

Running introductory ads is the online equivalent of farming your ideal prospects in a specific location. It helps you find new prospects, nurtures them, and convert them into clients.

Introductory ads can be as simple as creating short videos similar to your postcards or slightly lengthier videos that tell prospects about your values and the type of audience you serve. 

Tiffany Holtz’s real estate video falls in the second category. It covers important information like the types of houses she sells, her process, values, etc., to convince prospects that she can get results. 

Agent Introduction Ad Example

If you want to create a crisp and engaging video like the Tiffany Holtz group, include your introduction, important customer pain points, solutions you’re offering, and a CTA to drive prospects to take action. You can also include testimonials at the end to boost your social proof. 

Here’s an InVideo template with scenes for introduction, areas of service, pain points you can address, testimonials, and CTA to help you create a video similar to Tiffany’s 

Use This Template

Real Estate Facebook Ads #5:Testimonials Ads 

Customer testimonials are one of the easiest ways to build credibility and social proof. They give your prospective clients a peek into how you work and help your existing clients with their problems. These ads instantly create trust, improve your reputation, and bring you highly-qualified leads because of the specificity of the message. 

In this testimonial video ad, Keller Williams’ clients – Pat and Jennifer – share how they met their realtor, how he went above and beyond to help them settle into a new neighborhood, and completely smoothed out their sales process. Since they also mention that they’ve referred their realtor to their close family and friends, the realtor’s credibility is also boosted, and it encourages new prospects like them to contact the realtor.

Since it might not be possible for all customers to convey the value you've provided through video accurately, you can create a list of questions to share with your clients, who can then answer these to help you out with a testimonial. Here are a few questions you can ask them to answer:

- How did you come across us? 
- What was the most important problem we helped you solve? 
- How did we solve it?
- What makes us different from other realtors?

Once you have the responses, here’s an InVideo template you can use to create a testimonial ad in minutes.

Use This Template

Image Ads

While video ads are the way to go, that doesn't mean that image-based ads have become irrelevant. Simple and high-quality image ads can also help pull leads and drive many conversions if done right. Plus, image ads are also quick and easy to make, so you should use them.  

So, here’s a list of 5 different image ad types you can use as a part of your marketing strategy. 

Real Estate Facebook Ads #6: Offer a free Home Valuation in your Ads

Home valuation is an important consideration for buyers and sellers because most people either underprice or overprice their properties. A great way to get them to trust you is to offer a free home valuation. Create an ad around this and run it on Facebook, and you're more likely than others to get genuine leads who will want to work with you as their realtor. 

For example, this image ad from the Living Vogue Real Estate nudges prospects to check out the updated value of their property for free to escape the fluctuating trends of the real estate market. Since prospects don’t want to entertain the thought of not being able to sell their properties because of a bad estimate, they’ll sign up to get their FREE report. 

image ad example from the Living Vogue Real Estate nudges

To create FREE house estimate ads that stand out from other realtors and drive prospects to take action, your ad must offer a compelling reason (fluctuating market prices) and a quick win (updated prices in a fluctuating market in seconds.) This way, prospects receive value instantly and get one step closer to hiring you to sell the house. 

Real Estate Facebook Ads #7: Just Sold Ads

“Just sold” listing ads build your trust and credibility in the neighborhood and draw prospects trying to sell similar properties. After all, if you get great results for people in the same community, your prospect will be more likely to contact you as they believe you can do the same for them. 

For example, this ad from Adams Real Estate shows the listings they just sold in Garden City and explains how they go about the process even during difficult times like the pandemic. They're directing them to FREE market analysis to provide prospects with more value and help them make informed decisions. The real estate agency also benefits from this because it will bring leads who are most likely to convert into clients. 

Just Sold Ads Example

Start with benefit-rich opening lines if you want to create "Just Sold" ads that get conversions and not a lukewarm response. In the above example, the agency grabs the prospect’s attention with a crisp headline and offers to tell them how people are selling their houses despite the pandemic. 

Then, offer a solution and mention the next steps the prospect must take to get closer to their goal of buying, selling, or renting a house. Lastly, include a CTA to get a stream of warm leads you can nurture or convert right away. 

Real Estate Facebook Ads #8:Just Listed Ads

“Just Listed” Ads help agents increase the demand for a listing as prospects want to get their dream home by avoiding competing offers and an increasing price war. 

For example, Emerald Coast Homes has listed multiple luxury beachfront homes.  It works well with its crisp description and high-quality photos, conveying luxury and offering the best deals to their prospects. 

Just Listed Ads Example

To create a winning “Just Listed” ad, start with painting a picture of the benefits of owning the home you’re selling (vacations and quality time at the beach, relaxing by the fireplace in a quiet neighborhood, etc.), create a sense of scarcity (since this property is located close to shopping spots and is accessible by the metro, bus stops, etc., it’s in high demand and will disappear if you don’t take action), and add a clear CTA to clearly outline the next steps your prospect must take.

Pro tip: To get a higher ROI on your ‘Just Sold’ and ‘Just Listed’ ads, you can even use your pictures and turn them into a slideshow video easily using a template like this one from InVideo. 

Real Estate Facebook Ads #9: Ads Showcasing Achievements

Promoting your accolades is a great way to improve your visibility, establish yourself as a leader and show new prospects why they should partner with you for their real estate needs. 

For example, the real estate team at SF Realtors has managed to create a great first impression of their expertise and has leveraged that to get people to sign up for their list for the latest market updates and listings. 

Example of Ads Showcasing Achievements

If you want to highlight your achievements like the SF Realtor team did without coming across as self-serving, start by highlighting achievements that showcase your best qualities and create a compelling offer centered around these qualities. 

In the above example, the SF Realtor team had positioned themselves as leaders in the real estate industry through the achievements they’d listed. 

So, prospects looking at the ad will sign up to their newsletter because they want the best in the industry to update them with exclusive and accurate market updates regularly. 

Real Estate Facebook Ads #10: Coming Soon Listing Ads 

Coming soon listing ads help you gauge the interest prospects are showing in the property and help create demand for your listings even before they’re ready for viewing. 

Drehomes Dubai’s “coming soon” ad for affordable villas is a great example of this. They showcase the property, decrease buyer resistance and increase interest by offering special payment plans and offers for the high-ticket purchase. 

Coming Soon Listing Ads Example

To create coming soon ads that garner huge interest for the property even before it’s launched, highlighting the amenities of the place, add high-quality photos, and include special offers and payment plans like Drehomes Dubai has done, especially if the listing is a high-ticket purchase. 

With that, you have a fair idea of the different types of Facebook ads you can run for your real estate business. Let's look at how you can do that in just 4 steps. 

BONUS: The 4-Step Process to Creating Facebook Video Ads That Get You Conversions Using InVideo

InVideo is an online editor that helps you create high-quality and professional videos and ads for your real estate needs in minutes. You can use the hundreds of real estate templates we have and turn them into compelling ads for your business. Let’s take a look at how you can do that in just 4 steps. 

Step 1: Sign up to InVideo for free or login to your existing account. Go to the search tab to find a template of your choice, select the right aspect ratio, and click Use this template to get started. 

How to Create Facebook Video Ads using Invideo - Step 1

Step 2: Next, click the Upload Media tab to upload your video and pictures. Drag and drop them on the canvas and click Replace to add them to your video.

How to Create Facebook Video Ads using Invideo - Step 2

Step 3: Next, edit the text by double-clicking it and changing its color by clicking the text color icon on the menu. To better understand how to add and edit the text in your video using InVideo, check out this blog. 

How to Create Facebook Video Ads using Invideo - Step 3

Step 4: If you don’t like the existing music in the video, click the existing music track and select Delete. 

How to Create Facebook Video Ads using Invideo - Step 4

Now, add new music from the Music tab by clicking the + symbol on the track.

How to Create Facebook Video Ads using Invideo - Step 4.1

When you’re satisfied with the video, click Download & Share, choose video quality and select Export to download the video. 

How to Create Facebook Video Ads using Invideo - Step 4.2

Wrapping Up

Facebook ads help you get qualified leads you can nurture via email marketing for your real estate business. If you want to learn how Facebook ads can be a part of a holistic digital marketing strategy for your real estate business, check out this article. 

And if you prefer learning via videos, you should check out our YouTube channel, where we share daily video creation tips and tricks, the latest video trends and ideas and help you make more money as a video creator.

This post was written by Mrignayni and edited by Adete from Team InVideo

Create gold-standard videos in minutes with InVideo's online video editor. Join 7M+ users across 195 countries and create engaging videos on the go.

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